

The Belgian Society of Pathology was founded in 2012 by the Belgian society of Anatomic Pathology, the Belgian Society of Clinical Cytology and the Digestive Pathology Club. The BSP groups pathologists from Belgium and neighboring countries (The Netherlands and Luxemburg), residents, cytotechnologists and molecular scientists involved in Pathology.

The Society hosts a major conference once a year “The Belgian Week of Pathology” (BWP) with outstanding speakers. Several meetings and courses are organized during the year with a special attention for residents. This network allows us to reach out to the global pathology community. Diversity is our strength.

The society welcomes also different working groups around specific pathologies (breast pathology, uropathology, gynaecologic pathology, etc.) advising good clinical practice, publishing recommendations and guidelines and promoting scientific work.

Collaboration with the Professional Union (VBS/GBS-AP)

Since 2021, the BSP and the Professional Union have been striving for a close collaboration, aiming for unity in vision, communication, and governance as their highest common goal. The statutes of both associations have been aligned in recent years and are available in Dutch and French.

Both associations care deeply about our profession, each emphasising specific aspects to ensure that we can continue to practice this beautiful profession in an educational, high-quality, and properly appreciated manner. Together, we are stronger in this ever-changing world with new challenges.


The BDIAP is the British Division of the International Academy of Pathology (BDIAP). The International Academy of Pathology (IAP) is a global organisation that promotes the advancement of pathology through education by organising a biennial international congress, regular lectures and seminars, and by providing educational grants.

The IAP has numerous Divisions across the world which provide pathology education in their particular regions. Although the BDIAP is called the ‘British’ Division it is made up of members from the Republic of Ireland, the Netherlands and Belgium as well as the United Kingdom.

Our aims are:

The advancement of pathology through:

  • Organisation of educational symposia and courses in histopathology

  • Collaboration with professionals in allied healthcare sciences

  • Promotion of research in pathology and development of pathologic techniques

  • Publication of reviews and original research work in pathology and related fields

  • Organisation of scientific meetings and congresses for exchange of information and ideas

British Division of the International Academy of Pathology CIO. Registered Charity in England and Wales: 1188655.

Pathological Society

The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland represents pathologists from all four nations of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, together with strong links with the Dutch Pathological Society.

The focus of the Pathological Society is to Understand Disease. This encompasses the financial support and encouragement of research through a wide range of research grant schemes, including those for basic and translational pathological science, molecular pathological science and educational grants. The Pathological Society has developed a partnership with the Jean Shanks Foundation to co-fund a new series of jointly funded research grant schemes.

In addition, the Pathological Society supports other activities that further the understanding of disease mechanisms and processes, with resultant patient benefit in terms of guiding therapies, and these include support for educational activities that promote the Understanding of Disease, Guiding Therapy by organising Summer and Winter scientific meetings (with the Summer meeting co-organised with the BDIAP), the Winter School for trainees, publishing cutting edge pathological research in the Journal of Pathology and Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research, and other educational activities such as the Pathology Grand Rounds lectures, with support for some outreach activities for public engagement.

Pathological Society. Registered Charity in England and Wales: 1154851. Scottish Charity No SC045004. Limited Company Registered in England and Wales: 8759028.