Abstract Submission

It is essential that you read the detailed guidelines before you submit.

Abstracts which do not adhere to the guidelines will not be reviewed.

Poster prizes will be awarded by the BDIAP and the Pathological Society. Details to be announced.

Abstract Submission deadline: Friday 14 March 2025.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  1. AF Autopsy / Forensic

  2. BR Breast

  3. CP Cardiovascular / Pulmonary

  4. CM Cellular/Molecular

  5. EA Education & Audit

  6. EN Endocrine

  7. ETP Experimental Tumour Path

  8. GI Gastrointestinal

  9. GU Genitourinary/Renal

  10. GY Gynaecological

  11. HN Head & Neck

  12. H/P Hepatobiliary/Pancreas

  13. IS Invited Speaker

  14. LY Lymphoreticular

  15. N/P Neonatal/Paediatric

  16. N/O Neuropathology /Ophthalmic

  17. O/S Osteoarticular/ Soft Tissue

  18. S Skin

  19. TA Technical Advances

An abstract can be submitted for the meeting as one of the following presentation types:

  • Oral Presentation

  • Poster Presentation

At the review stage, the Programme Committee may change the presentation type submitted by the author to ensure the continuity of the meeting programme (e.g., oral presentation may be changed to poster presentation). The presenting Author will be informed of any change to their submitted presentation type at the acceptance notification stage. The decision of the Programme Committee is final.

Accepted abstracts will be published digitally in the Journal of Pathology Supplement. All abstracts accepted by the Journal must abide by their guidelines and editorial requests. This may include shortening abstracts before they are published. Abstracts deemed to contain insufficient information will not be published in the online supplement of the Journal of Pathology.

No corrections to the abstract text, authors, affiliations, or change of presenting author are permitted following submission to the Journal. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Journal of Pathology exactly as submitted. Ensure that all information provided is correct upon submission.

The accepted abstract and related poster (if accepted as a poster) will also appear on the Ghent Pathology 2025 meeting app and/or programme.

Submission Process

The abstract submission process for Ghent Pathology 2025 will be through an online submission portal. You must first create an account on the Ghent Pathology 2025 website to gain access to the portal.


  1. The Presenting Author must submit the abstract and is required to be the corresponding author for that abstract.

  2. You must first create a profile on the Ghent Pathology 2025 website to access the submission portal. You do not need to register for the meeting in order to submit the abstract.

  3. All abstracts must be received by the submission deadline to be included in the review.

  4. Abstracts must be submitted in English.

  5. Abstract Submission deadline: Friday 14 March 2025.

The Presenting Author must submit the abstract and will act as the main point of contact for the abstract with organisers.

You must first create an account on the Ghent Pathology 2025 platform to access the submission portal. Once you enter the online submission portal, start by creating an account. Please keep a record of the account details you use to set up the account. Upon successful submission of the abstract, a confirmation email will be sent to the Presenting Author.

If you have not received a confirmation email, please check that your abstract is not left in draft and is fully submitted by logging back into the portal and checking on the Edit/View Abstracts page.

The online abstract submission is a simple step-by-step process and will ask you to input the following details:

  • Abstract title – Capitalise the first letter of each word except if, and, of, the, a, in, on, etc.

  • Presentation type – Oral, Poster.

  • Category – Chosen from the category list above.

  • Presenting Author – Name and affiliation of presenting author (this person must be listed as the first author).

  • Co-Authors – Name and affiliation.

  • Abstract text – Abstract word limit is 300 words, using the following headings:

    • Background

    • Purpose

    • Methods

    • Results

    • Conclusions

  • Additional information:

    • Conflict of interest (Do the author(s) have any conflict of interest?)

    • BDIAP/Pathological Society Grant (Was the research supported by a BDIAP/Pathological Society Grant?)

    • Previously published/presented (Has your abstract been previously published or will your presentation be given elsewhere prior to the meeting? If so, please give details.)

    • Is the Presenting Author an undergraduate?

    • Publication agreement:

    • Publication of abstract on website/app agreement.

    • Abstract publishing in journal agreement.

    • Data consent agreement.

    • Contact Name and Email for all Co-Authors.

You can save your submission as a draft and return to edit the submission at a later point. It is important to note that once it has been submitted the abstract cannot be edited after the abstract submission deadline. Ensure that your abstract is not left in draft as it will not be reviewed.

All abstracts will go through a blind peer-review carried out by reviewers selected by the Ghent Pathology 2025 Programme Committee.

Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitter by the week commencing 28 April 2025.

When notified of acceptance, the Presenting Author is required to accept the offer by registering for the meeting and paying in full before the meeting. You will be provided with a link to register at this rate in your acceptance email.

Poster Preparation

For those who have had an abstract accepted for the meeting (congratulations!), please find below guidelines for preparing your poster.

Guidelines for Preparing Your Poster

Portrait - 84.1cm wide x 118.9cm high (A0 portrait) for printing.

More info available soon.

Poster round chairs will be circulating to select the winners of the Pathological Society Sir Alastair Currie Poster Prize and 2nd and 3rd prizes and the BDIAP 1st, 2nd and 3rd poster prizes (relevant to diagnostic pathology).

Presenters must be present to discuss their poster during this time. Posters need to be on display until 15:00 on Thursday 26 June to be considered for the prizes as the final judging will take place that afternoon. We will also encourage delegates to view posters during the other breaks.

Posters must be removed by 17:00 on Thursday 26 June 2025. The organisers cannot be held responsible for any posters left after your session finishes.

If you are unable to present your abstract please notify the Conference Organisers as soon as possible, and ensure that a co-author can take your place. Absence without advance notice can cause difficulty.

If you have any questions please contact the Ghent Pathology 2025 Programme Team by email.

Terms & Conditions

  • The abstract submitted adheres to the abstract submission guidelines outlined on the Ghent Pathology 2025 website.

  • The abstract submitted is in English.

  • This abstract has only been submitted once for Ghent Pathology 2025.

  • It is the responsibility of the Presenting Author to submit the abstract. They are the main contact whose responsibility it is to communicate with other co-authors.

  • The Presenting Author is available to present in person at the meeting between 24 and 26 June 2025.

  • The Presenting Author must register and pay in full by the deadline indicated in the abstract review outcome email. If they do not register and pay in full, the abstract will be removed from the programme and any associated publications.

  • The Presenting Author has obtained permission from all authors to submit the abstract to Ghent Pathology 2025.

  • The text of the abstract, along with the names and affiliations, poster and/or additional documents as requested, may be published on the meeting website, on the meeting app and in the Journal of Pathology, and this will not raise any copyright issues.

  • All grammar/content has been checked and the submitter acknowledges that the abstract if published in the Journal of Pathology and on the website and/or app will appear as submitted.

  • A submission as a particular presentation type (oral or poster) or theme may be changed to a different type/theme following review in order to be accepted and included in the programme.